Within a few weeks the number of people sticking to their resolve declines dramatically. Given the importance of improving our behavior, an encouraging word from an ally may be just the thing we all need to keep our resolve!
Mechanics of weight loss
Let’s review the best advice for weight loss that we have gathered from expert sources over the last several years.
- Reduce your caloric intake to match your basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR represents the number of calories your body needs at rest; in other words, your body burns these calories through basic functions. So, BMR represents the ideal number of calories you should eat in a day.
Speed bumpsWhen
- Increase your activity to burn one to two pounds of fat per week.
- Never eat within two hours of bedtime.
- Morning exercise is a bit better than evening exercise.
- Never consume more than 400 calories in an hour.
- Eat according to an organized plan. Here at Balanced Vitality we can provide customized dieting tools.
- Do both aerobic and resistance exercises most days of the week.
- Your sense of purpose will help drive your success.
Somewhere along the way you are going to experience discouragement, disappointment or despondency. It may be when:
- You hit a weight loss plateau.
- You see others doing what you used to do and the old habits pull at your heart.
- Your inner voices – I call them my “council of critics” – start to tell you lies about failure and success.
The answer to this question does not lie in the “how, when, what” of weight loss. The answer lies in the “why.” Your personal “why” gives you energy. It inspires you, motivates you, and drives you to complete your goal.
Remember to let your desire fuel your action; let your actions harmonize with your sense of purpose. Simply be resolved to live a life of purpose and you will have the energy to get beyond the speed bumps.
Common setbacks
Unsupportive family: Losing weight with an uncooperative family is very difficult. In fact, diet failure is far more common among people with kids at home than among empty-nesters. A great solution is to turn those sources of distraction into cheerleaders. Recruit your family into your support group. Ask them for help and you may be surprised how helpful a supportive family can be.
Parties and gatherings: Parties and family gatherings are another trigger for setbacks. Food and a festive environment are catalysts for overeating and skipping exercise. Careful planning in advance can really help with food selection and an exercise schedule. And if you do overindulge, remember the “calories in, calories out” rule and increase your exercise for a week or two to burn off the extra calories.
Emotional speed bumps: Depression, discouragement and despondency are also common triggers for diet failure. We need to give and receive love for excellent health. Love moves us to commit ourselves to a life of purpose. Purpose is the reason for action. Therefore, love can help us avoid fear, shame and doubt.
When we commit ourselves to such noble pursuits, do they not deserve our very best attention? We need to define our purpose as the foundation for success. Purpose is an important motivation to help us reshape our thinking. Purpose is the antidote to self-sabotage.
You will soon see that each of these gems reflect the light you need to see beliefs that no longer serve your best interests. You can confront self-sabotage and slay the dragons that keep you from reaching your goals.
Take Control of Your Health
- Plan a balance of calories and activity for lifetime weight control
- Eat the optimal amount of fruits and vegetables daily
- Men: 9 servings
- Women: 7 servings
- Children: 5 servings
- Plan 30 minutes of aerobic activity most days of the week
- Do resistance training 2-5 times per week
- Cortisol and Stress Management: Designs for Health Endotrim Weight Loss Capsules help to limit cortisol production in your body – cortisol is the stress-induced hormone that can lead to abdominal fat.
- Appetite Control: Designs for Health Crave Arrest and Coccomune bars helps reduce the natural hunger signals in your body, minimizing cravings.
- Blood Sugar Control: Paleomeal Shakes help your body use the nutrients you eat as energy, rather than storing them as fat.