Monday, July 28, 2008

Healthy Fun Facts!

Fact #1:
Maybe I’m wrong, but I believe Superman’s x-ray vision may have come from these.
Scientists have identified the protein responsible for transporting nutrients to the eye that are believed to protect against the development of age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss in elderly Americans. According to the study, the protein SR-B1, or scavenger receptor class B, type 1, plays a central role in transporting the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin from the bloodstream to cells in the eye. Various studies have suggested that high concentrations of these two dietary compounds in particular, known as xanthophylls, have properties that can prevent macular degeneration.

The recommended dose of DFH’s OcuForce contains 10mgs of Xangold Lutein Esters and 2mgs of Zeaxanthin Esters.

Source: Xanthophylls are preferentially taken up compared with {beta}-carotene by retinal cells via a SRBI-dependent mechanism.

Fact #2:
Aren’t the Laker’s looking for a center who can rebound?
Zinc has been shown to induce growth in short children with zinc deficiency according to a Japanese study.

Source: Mild to moderate zinc deficiency in short children: effect of zinc supplementation on linear growth velocity.

Fact #3:
Eating less is not only good for the waste line but also good for the planet.
A healthier diet and a return to traditional farming can help reduce energy consumption in US food system by 50 percent says a recent study. According to the study, individuals should eat less, especially considering that the average American consumes an estimated 3,747 calories a day, a staggering 1200-1500 calories over recommendations. Traditional American diets are high in animal products and junk and processed foods in particular, which by their nature use more energy than that used to produce staple foods such as potatoes, rice, fruits and vegetables. By just reducing junk food intake and converting to diets lower in meat, the average American could have a massive impact on fuel consumption as well as improving his or her health.

Source: Reducing Energy Inputs in the US Food System

Fact #4:
This mushroom may not make good soup but… The medicinal mushroom reishi or gandoderma lucidum is a known immunmodulator and has potent antioxidant properties. In a recent study water extracts of demonstrated chemopreventive properties in bladder cell DNA.

DFH’s Immunitone Plus contains 4 different immunomodulating medicinal mushroom species.

Source: The dual roles of Ganoderma antioxidants on urothelial cell DNA under carcinogenic attack.

Fact #5:
More on the mercury scourge.
A recent paper is one of the first, if not the first, to offer scientific documentation of the infiltration of mercury from a contaminated body of water into a purely terrestrial ecosystem. “In bodies of water affected by mercury, it’s always been assumed that only birds or wildlife that ate fish would be in danger,” said Professor Cristol, an associate professor in William and Mary’s Department of Biology. “But we’ve now opened up the possibility that mercury levels could be very high in the surrounding terrestrial habitat, as well. It’s not just about the fish, the people who eat the fish and the animals that eat the fish. We’ve also got to look at a strip of habitat all the way around the lake or river that is affected.”

“The birds eat a lot of spiders. Spiders are like little tiny wolves, basically, and they’ll bioaccumulate lots of contaminants in the environment. The spiders have a lot of mercury in them and are delivering the mercury to these songbirds,” Cristol said. “The question that remains is this: How are the spiders getting their mercury?”

Source: The movement of aquatic mercury through terrestrial food webs.


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