Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Fact #1:
I think Willie Nelson once sang, “Momma, don’t let your daughters grow up to be inactive.”
Here’s another reason to encourage your daughters to be physically active: Girls and young women who exercise regularly between the ages of 12 and 35 have a substantially lower risk of breast cancer before menopause compared to those who are less active, new research shows.

Source: A prospective study of age-specific physical activity and premenopausal breast cancer.

Fact #2:
Sleep well knowing melatonin may promote breast health.
Low melatonin levels are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, according to a prospective case-control study. The researchers found that women with the lowest levels of melatonin had a statistically significantly higher incidence of breast cancer than those with the highest levels.

DFH carries a 3 mg Melatonin tablet. Typical dosing is 1-3 tablets at bedtime. Start with one and increase if needed.

Source: Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels and risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Fact #3:
It’s a sunny day for breast health!
Increased intake of vitamin D from the diet and from sunlight may reduce the risk for breast cancer by over 20 per cent, says a new study. “This study suggests that vitamin D is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer regardless of [estrogen-receptor (ER) positive and progesterone-receptor (PR)] status of the tumor,” wrote lead author Kristina Blackmore from Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.

DFH offers you two vitamin D products. Our Vitamin D Synergy contains 2000 IU’s of vitamin D while our Vitamin D Supreme contains 5000 IU’s of vitamin D.

Source: Vitamin D From Dietary Intake and Sunlight Exposure and the Risk of Hormone-Receptor-Defined Breast Cancer.

Fact #4:
It may be time to purchase a good Indian cookbook.
Curcumin, the yellow extract from the common curry spice turmeric, has been shown to block RON tyrosine kinase-mediated invasion of breast cancer cells. DFH’s C3 Curcumin is the same curcumin currently being investigated at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Source: Curcumin blocks RON tyrosine kinase-mediated invasion of breast carcinoma cells.

Fact #5:
Maybe now your broccoli will seem more appetizing.
Sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli, is found to have anticarcinogenic properties due to its ability to induce expression of phase II detoxification genes.

Source: Expression of MRP1 and GSTP1-1 modulate the acute cellular response to treatment with the chemopreventive isothiocyanate, sulforaphane.

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